Wednesday, April 8, 2009

--[ahahaah :3]--

Okay so. I'm in second period writing about thar epic first period LOL.

So today, we had mass or something, but I kinda didn't wanna go. Neither did any of my other friends. So we kinda hid in the darkroom for about 20 minutes.
I think it actually kinda felt like some kind of espionage-type thing or whatever, cuhs I was leaning against the wall, trying to hear what our teacher was saying on the other side of the door.
But I guess when I heard the teacher say, "Has anyone seen where Jason is?" all I could think was. "Oh, fuck."
It seems like everyone else thought that too.

We eventually got one person to leave and be like, a lookout for us, so she could tell us when the coast was clear, so we could leave.

Ten minutes later, we heard a "The coast is clear, guys!"
We all left the darkroom, and five minutes later, the teacher came back.
My teacher being the way he is, he didn't seem to know or care when or how we suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

At least we all got to skip out on mass :D

After that, it was time for the fashion photoshoot that was organized for today.
120 pictures later, it was finally time to pack up and leave.

AHA. EDITED FOR MOAR DETAILS AND AWESOME WIN. *shot* More about the rest of the day below.

Hm. Well anyways, after that, the day was pretty normal. At art council, I kinda just wandered between the art room and the computer arts lab and stuff. I messed around with Gatsby and my hair and stuff, and I discovered that my singing voice actually isn't that bad xD
I still hafta learn how to scream though D:



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